Frequently Asked Questions from Inventors, Investors and Strategic Partners
What services does Exemplar Innovation provide an Inventor?
All services offered by Exemplar Innovation are dependent on your specific development stage as an Innovator.
What will the Exemplar Innovation portal do for me?
The portal was designed to cover all your needs as an Innovator, it is the ultimate incubator which does not discriminate and therefore does not turn anybody away. Our portal has a comprehensive financial services team and will assist you to budget your capital requirements via our partners Gameplan CFO. Writing R & D claims and Government grants are a further service offered by the Portal.
How can Exemplar Innovation help me develop my ideas?
Our Workshop will mould and build your business model which also gives you an opportunity to choose a director from our pool of highly experienced directors or just ask us for support 24/7 as you are not alone when you’re a member of our portal, there is always someone willing to listen.
Can my new Innovation Company qualify as an Early Stage Innovation Company?
Yes……but there are strict qualifying conditions as follows:
The company must either have been incorporated in Australia in the last 3 income years or in the last 6 years but its operating expenses must be $1 million or less in the last 3 income years.
The company must also have had total expenses of $1 million or less in the previous income year and have assessable income of $200,000 or less in the previous income year.
Contact us for more concise detail.
Is the Exemplar Innovation service expensive?
Our cost effective package will surprise you as it is custom built to suit your needs.
How do I know my new idea, process or product will be protected?
Exemplar Innovation, the Investor and you will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) which will restrict all parties from releasing any information related to your innovation.
What services does Exemplar Innovation provide an Investor?
All services offered by Exemplar Innovation are dependent on your specific needs as an Investor.
Will I receive any tax advantages as an Investor on your portal?
If the company you wish to invest in is a Qualifying Early Stage Innovation Company (ESIC) then you will qualify for tax incentives under Division 360 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
There are 2 components of the tax incentive for a Qualifying Early Stage Innovation Company (ESIC):
i) Carried Forward Tax Offset is a non-refundable carry forward tax offset equal to 20% of the amount paid for the shares and has a limit of $200,000 for the investor in each income year.
ii) Modified Capital Gains Tax Treatment on qualifying shares continuously held for at least 12 months and less than 10 years are tax exempt.
As a Qualified Investor in a Qualifying ESIC company how much can I invest?
If you do not meet the Sophisticated Investor Test you will be classified as a Retail Investor and limited to investing $50,000 in total in an income year.
If however you meet the sophisticated investor test, except for the limit of no more than 30% on the amount of equity that the investor can hold in the company, there is no limit on the investment that qualifies.
How do I qualify as a Sophisticated Investor in a Qualifying ESIC company?
Under the Corporations Act 2001, Chapter 6D – Fundraising, Section 708, “sophisticated investor” who meet certain circumstances don’t have to be provided with a disclosure document, such as a prospectus or product disclosure statement, when being offered shares in a company. Such investors are seen to be financially sophisticated and able to protect their investment interests in an optimal fashion without regulatory interference.
You may, for example, hold a certificate issued by a qualified accountant that confirms you meet certain asset and income requirements and the certificate is provided no more than 6 months prior to the qualifying shares offered to you.
At the time of the latest update on or portal, this certificate is available only if you have gross income of at least $250,000 for each of the last 2 financial years and net assets of at least $2.5 million.
Can I become a Director of an Early Stage Innovation Company (ESIC) that is on the Exemplar Innovation portal?
Yes……but it is always subject to the fit required by the Innovator with his management team and the rest of the Directors on the Board.
Strategic Partner
What benefit do I receive for being a member of the Exemplar Innovation portal?
A Partner Membership gives you direct access to our Innovation Portal where you will be able to align yourself with various innovators.
Is there a cost for being a member of the Exemplar Innovation portal?
No….there is no cost.
Is there a financial incentive for me to recommend to my clients your portal and the subsequent investment by my “sophisticated investor” clients in an Early Stage Innovation Company (ESIC)?
Yes……our financial incentive Strategic Partner Package is negotiated on a case by case basis.